Saturday, May 5, 2012

It didn't get dark last night...

We followed the sun west and went from Thursday evening in Vancouver to Friday evening in Hong Kong without nighttime.  Damn you, International Date Line... you always get the best of me.

At the very least, glad to have something to force me to reflect on the amazingness of zooming through the air across the Pacific in half a day. 

If I'm honest with myself, though, the more I travel alone the more I realize I'm not a fan.  By the time we landed, I was beside myself with the concept that I could not be farther from home without going into space... a huge expanse of ocean between me and anyone who cares that I exist.  Ugh - that's even more depressing when I can see it in words!  It's strange, but I feel better knowing that Mike has left the homeland now too - and getting closer to me with each passing minute.  Even though his stopover is in Guang...zou...ville(?), I draw a hilarious amount of comfort knowing someone I love will soon be in the same country as me.